Abstract: India is an agriculture based country which takes various types of crops. Similarly, in Maharashtra Millet, Jowar, wheat, paddy and maize are the main crops. Nowadays various agricultural machines are available which are very costly. Due to this it is not suitable for poor farmers. And all farmers remove crops by hands which require much efforts and its time consuming process. Sometimes, while cutting or removing crops by hands results into damage due to blisters and crops on hands. Because of this labors are not available for work, in order to overcome this situation we introduced a new simple, but more efficient machine for farmers. Currently there are some jowar cutting machines are available in Market. Those machines works on the principle of cutting the jowar near the base. But due to this sucrose content in the jowar reduces. It also effects on grain weight. So to overcome all these problems we are designing new harvesting technique. This new technique is focused on uprooting and handling jowar crops by using uprooter and conveyor mechanism. It uproots jowar crop and transfers the crop by conveyor mechanism for further stacking process.