International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed / Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since 2013

Abstract: Remote surveillance and monitoring of our frontier has seen a growing need in emerging times. Currently the surveillance of International border areas is a strenuous task for soldiers. As every field is opting for robotics in order to improve the existing systems, our aim is to implement the robotics in military security systems for the at most security. By this paper, we put forward a surveillance robot which is capable of surveilling and detecting for intruders in region of international borders Therefore the surveillance robot is designed in such a way that it would automatically detect the invader in the borders and alert the nearby security personnel as a helping hand by alerting him through video streaming over Internet of Things. The heart of the robot is a powerful Raspberry Pi 3 Model B which is used as the ultimate controller for the entire operation of the robot in this bot we have used PIR sensor which is interfaced with the raspberry pi in order to rotate the camera for video streaming and it would be enabled when an intruder is detected. And Infrared sensor is used for detecting the obstacles in order to avoid collisions. For capturing and streaming the video the raspberry pi camera is attached to the micro controller which actively monitors the area and send a notification when any obtrusion is detected. The transmission part of the surveillance robot is carried out using Internet of Things by enabling WiFi. The live streaming ability of the raspberry Pi allows the camera feed to be analyzed from any location using internet. The IOT module eliminates the need of transmitter and receiver module thus it makes the node compact, cost effective and ease of using. Thus, the Raspbian operating system-based surveillance robot is designed to achieve the objective of this paper.

Keywords: Surveillance Robot, Wireless Camera, IOT, Video Streaming, Raspberrypi

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2019.8305

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