International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed / Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since 2013

Abstract: Saline, one among the foremost popular intravenous (IV) therapies plays a serious role within the management of patients who are critically ill. Surveillance of saline bottle level is extremely important because when the bottle is emptied and therefore the needle isn't faraway from the vein then the blood flows outward into the bottle. In hospitals, the nurses or caretakers are liable for monitoring the saline bottle level. Mostly, thanks to negligence and any unusual condition, the precise timing of removing the needle from the patient's vein is ignored which causes a significant casualty and should lead to death as well. Furthermore, remote monitoring may be a got to provide telehealth services. To prevent the accident due to the ignorance of caretakers and to provide remote surveillance in telehealth services, we have proposed the cost-effective smart saline level.monitoring device which includes the mixture of sensor and Internet of Things (IOT) technologies. We have built this system by using load sensor and ultra-low power low cost Arduino micro controller. The load sensor converts the load of the bottle to a selected voltage. The ESP8266 micro controller generates and publishes a specific message based on the voltage received from the sensor. To publish and present the messages to the devices of subscribers like doctors, nurses or caretakers.This proposed monitoring system fulfills the reliable delivery of messages to the subscribers which is very important for healthcare. Automatically, saline bottle valve will be closed with human intervention

Keywords: saline, intravenous therapy, sensors, internet of things, load sensor, micro controller, transformer, rectifier, heartbeat sensor, Arduino UNO

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9408

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