Abstract: The day by day increase within the demand for supply of electricity during last recent years could be a dramatic growth within the national's annual residential development and played a significant role in increasing the demand for power. to fulfill the projected demand for power to deal with, the event plans, increases within the population and also the rising within the living standards, government will must accomplish new power generating units. Electricity tariff control and setting could also be a primary instrument of economic regulation. Through this paper we aim to debate the potential for alternative routes of charging for electricity and providing concessions to spice up the ways of essential electricity use, facilitate the equitable, efficient and full recovery of the worth of supplying electricity and provide clear information to consumers regarding the impact of their electricity use. Many of the prevailing tariff elements are formulated over the years as a result of the obtainable technology. As seen in the electricity tariff structures its therefore the important to contemplate style of the developments in technology with relevance metering which may facilitate a greater variety in tariff structures now or in the future.
Keywords: tariff, ABT tariff, step rate tariff, unscheduled interchange tariff, TOU tariff, CPP tariff, real-time pricing tariff (RTP), FIT, dynamic pricing.