Abstract: The huge demand of electrical energy is growing day by day. Conventional energy source which is produced by fossil fuel is not sufficient to fulfil the current demand of electrical energy and this is also exhaustive in nature. Now it is serious issue for energy researchers to find any alternate energy option. Solar energy is one of the most expanding renewable Energy. The performance of solar cells depends upon solar irradiance and its angle of incidence of light on PV panel. When the temperature varies, its power and effectiveness also vary. The aim of researchers is to find power and effectiveness should be optimum. Continuous incident of light at optimum angle of PV panel can be made possible by dual axis solar tracker. In this type of tracking system, there are two servo-motor used to move the panel vertical and horizontal axis. LDR is used to sense the light intensity and send the analog signal to the microcontroller and according to the signal, microcontroller move the solar panel using servo motor. This design provides the comparative study between the fixed axis solar panel and dual axis solar tracker implementation on the Tinkercad free web application. As an experimental result show that the electricity generated by the proposed tracking system is total increase of about 8% to 22% over fixed-angle solar system.
Keywords: PV Panel, Arduino UNO, Analog Signal, LDR, Servomotor etc.
Works Cited:
Samarendra Pratap Singh, Balram Madeshia , Manish Bharati " Optimization of Solar Panel Output Power Using Dual Axis Solar Tracker", IJIREEICE International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, vol. 11, no. 9, pp. 21-29, 2023. Crossref https://doi.org/: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2023.11905