International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed & Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since  2013

Abstract: The main goal of Artificial intelligence [AI] is to relate between machines and humans. There are many IT companies have using the dialogue systems to have various personal virtual assistance based on their applications. As we know that nowadays everything is shifting to virtual and all the technologies are interconnected to each other. Sending calls using Arduino and GSM module via registered number, in this we are using SIM900 it is a GSM Modem this allows GPRS transmission and receives the calls. We have many personal virtual Assistance for windows these days like cortana , Braina , Siri , Google Assistance and Siri Shortcuts etc. This Project works on sending unique requests to our personal virtual assistance via GSM . The main Theme of this project is to give otimized output to the people request instantly , making them to think smarter, helps in multitasking , home automation.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2022.10645

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