International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed / Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since 2013

Abstract: Technical significance has been an incredible help for settling on choices in different fields particularly in cultivating. The principle point of this framework is to achieve ranchers' essential requirements and to make them monetarily autonomous. E-Agriculture is a stage for supporting the advertising of farming items. This will serve to that load of ranchers who need to get accurate worth to their farming items and end clients to need great précised pace of every item. This will help for the advancement of their day-to-day lives alongside these it used to help destitute individuals to take care of those who need it. Distinctive government-based NGOs work for them that they reach those individuals who have additional food (which they used to squander beforehand) and can share edible food with NGOs to satisfy their fundamental needs and forestall food wastage. Food banks and food collection NGOs have geared up to tackle the food waste challenge in India’s major cities.
They have set up waste leftover food helplines so that restaurants, caterers, wedding venues, and party organizers intimate the availability of food for donation. Often such intimation is given at a late hour and the pick-up time is also late i.e., after midnight. Despite these hurdles, these food banks and food collection NGOs arrive at the venue, pack the food in containers and transport it in vehicles arranged by them. If the outfit has cold storage facilities, food is stored and distributed in a day or two. However, most of the time, distribution is done to feed the poor within a few hours after the food is collected, keeping in view the fact that food goes stale soon in India's hot climate. In some cities, food for the poor is distributed at some fixed point where the homeless, slum-dwellers, and needy congregate. Many orphanages, children’s homes, and other NGO organizations do not have facilities to undertake leftover food collection. They will be happy to accept the food if delivered to their location.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2022.10448

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