Abstract: This project describes about an obstacle evasion robot vehicle which is controlled by ultrasonic sensor. The robot is made using ultrasonic sensor and it is well-ordered by Arduino microcontroller. Ultrasonic sensor fixed in front portion of the robot vehicle. The sensor gets the data from nearby area through mounted sensors on the robot. The sensor is sense the obstacle and deviate its path to choose an obstacle free path. The sensor will be send the data to the controller is associated with controller to decide the movement of the robot Wheel. This project uses accelerometer sensor which can detect the unevenness of vehicle and vibrations when an accident is occurred. This sends a signal to microcontroller. Vehicle accident detection system using GSM and GPS modems is done. Messages notifications are sent to the mobile number which is agreed. The arduino courses this information and this processed information is sent to the user/owner using GSM modem . A GSM modem is interfaced to the MCU. Heat sensor used to notice temperature level and leakage of harmful gases in the vehicle.
Keywords: Ultra-sonic sensor ,GSM,GPS ,Geo satellite information, MCU