International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed & Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since  2013

Abstract: A Voice Assistant is one of the hot topics in the current world that are programs that listens to human’s verbal command and respond to them which makes it a human computer/ device interaction. In the current days, a voice assistant is everywhere which is a lot useful in these busy days. Nowadays, almost everyone in the current world is using voice assistant because it’s everywhere starting from Google smartphone assistant which even 5 years old kids will know how to use because of the current world pandemic which makes them use smartphones till Amazon's Alexa which will be very useful to do works starting from entertaining the users till turning on and off the household products (Internet of Things). One of the greatest features is that it will be very useful to even physically challenged people, for example, people who aren't able to walk use the Internet of Things (IoT) feature to operate the household products and maintain them. So, we tend to develop a voice assistant which will be very useful to the users same as the other voice assistants which are currently in the world.

Keywords: Internet of Things, Artificial Intelligent, Virtual assistant, Arduino, raspberry pi.

Works Cited:

Prof. Abhijit Kalbande, Mr. Shreyash Gupta, Mr. Kantesh Murade, Mr. Shardul Tidke, Mr. Deep Agashe " Smart AI Based VA ", IJIREEICE International Journal of Innovative Research in Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering, vol. 11, no. 11, pp. 31-35, 2023. Crossref 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2023.111105

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2023.111105

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