Abstract-Website security is the most important aspect in web technology. Data privacy and security is very important in all web applications. Secured Authentication is the key point to prevent the data access from unauthorized users. Existing Login Authentication is implemented by using unique username and password as text format. But this system faces huge challenges from hackers, network intruders where people get the user’s password easily by several hacking methods. Hence, this paper propose the system for secured login authentication system using image hotspot security The architecture for image hot spot is mainly used to avoid the unauthorized user assessing the system using various text intrusion techniques. Initially authorized user need to identify the exact hot spot from the image. The user is asked to click the exact point and to confuse the hackers for each hot spot clicked; the user uploaded image is generated with pre-defined password support so that hackers found difficult for accessing the password. Second step is once hot spot is clicked in an image the co-ordinates selected will be compared with the encrypted database co-ordinates value , hence the user need to choose the hotspot with intersecting points exactly which is allowed only for 3 attempts moreover the account will be blocked. In graphical password protection, the particular hot spot is allowed to click by using Contour-Tracing Algorithm Based on a Pixel-Following Method. Uploaded files will be stored in secured form using Steganography. Each file will be hiding in the image
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