Abstract: Digital communication systems are used for transferring information data between separate remote points, which are connected by appropriate communication channels. The data being sent is usually affected by different channel errors (e.g., noise or interference) that worsen the quality of transmission link. The communication system performance and quality of transmissions can be increased by applying the Forward Error Correction (FEC) technique, which is used in almost all digital communication systems to improve performance with regards to Bit Error Rate (BER). Theoretically, FEC allows the maximum level of information in any channel. In practice, it reduces the cost for designing the communication system. This is also the case for Asymmetric Digital Subscriber Line (ADSL), which uses both Trellis coding and Reed-Solomon FEC to perform error corrections. In ADSL, the error correction algorithms used (especially decoding) are computationally complex and demanding compared to the other algorithms.
Keywords: DSL, ADSL, FEC, BER.
| DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2020.8807