Abstract: According to a recent case study, it is found that around 25-30% of death due to road accidents are mainly caused by explosion of fuel tanks. Currently Original Equipment Manufacturers are mainly concentrating about the advancement in their automobile technology where limited importance on the safety measures has been considered. Thus the fuel tank has been designed with capabilities that it could avoid explosion by absorbing the fuel at the encounter of an accident within few seconds. The design of fuel tank will be containing a polymer which will come in action at the time of an impact. The whole reaction is triggered by an impact sensor that is currently being used for the air bag safety system. The arrangements will be linked with this impact sensor which will fasten up the response time. The model can be designed according to the need of the automobile manufacturer, ensuring that this process is properly implemented in them. The ratio between the polymer, water and fuel can be standardized according to the capacity of the tank. The impact when sensed by the sensor sends the signal to the PLC and which opens the valve of the polymer and water. Thus, the polymer along with water gets sprayed over the fuel and absorbs the fuel within few seconds, leading to non-combustible form of fuel. We know that the fuel is highly inflammable and explosive but at the end of this process it will have a change in its state leading to non-flammable and incombustible form. These arrangements can play a vital role not only in Automobiles but also in all other Fuel Reservoirs such as Industries, Fuel Station, Defence and Power Plant where it helps in case of natural calamities or any manmade catastrophe.
Keywords: Fuel absorbent, Prevention of explosion, PLC, Automobiles, Reservoirs, Power plant