Abstract: Electricity consumption can be one way of measure of development of country. Deregulation initiates the competition in electricity market which leads to generate more power. Also, a recent power grid is extensive and complicates the power network. The generated power is supplied to consumers through transmission and distribution systems. Compared to the synchronized system the burden on transmission network will be more due to more generation and utilization. These transmission networks violate some line limits which leads to the congestion. The generation rescheduling is one of the better ways to relieve congestion. However, all the generators will not create congestion in transmission lines. In this context a mathematical model was developed to identify the generators which are actively participating in congestion by calculating generator distribution factor using Termite colony algorithm. This proposed mathematical model gives the amount of rescheduling of the selected generators. This method is implemented for slandered IEEE 6 bus system and IEEE 30 bus system to verify the results in theoretical as well as practical using Mi Power software.
Keywords: Deregulation; Congestion; Rescheduling of generators; Termite Algorithm; Generation Sensitivity Factor.