Abstract: Tremendous progress has been made in the development of organic light‐emitting diode OLED science and technology. Active matrix OLED with its superb overall display image quality, response time, viewing angle, contrast ratio, power efficiency, lightweight, and thin and flexible form factor is positioned to become a viable and successful commercial technology and one of the next mainstream displays in the marketplace. In addition, differing from LED, white OLED lighting has many advantages in that it is an area/surface, thin/lightweight luminaire capable of delivering uniform, warm (almost sun‐like) illumination without noise/glare nor much heat dissipation problem. But, most of all, future OLED lighting can also be transparent and flexible – a feature that is unrivaled by any other competing solid‐state lighting technology. This paper attempts to provide the reader with as complete a story as possible covering the past, present, and future trends of technology and product development of OLED.
Keywords: OLED, Burn-In, ImageRetention, HOMO-LUMO, Light Emitting Diode (LED), AMOLED, PMOLED