Summary - The task is to create an obstacle avoidance tool that uses ultrasonic sensors for movement. A microcontroller (ATmega328) is used to do the job. A robot is a device that can be operated or controlled. The aim is to introduce a robot car with self-guided intelligence when faced with a problem. This robot car is built using AT mega 328 series microcontroller. Time determination means it gives the length of the heartbeat and will see the error in short beats. Consider pulses lasting from 10 microseconds to 3 minutes. It turns directly into distance during decision making. If the distance between objects is small, the robot will slow down and turn left, if there is an obstacle to the left, the robot will do the right thing. If the distance between objects is short, the speed of the robot will decrease and it can turn back and then move left or right. Ultrasonic sensors are used to detect any problem and send commands to the microcontroller. Depending on the received input signals, the microcontroller activates the motor connected to it, possibly with the motor driver, and directs the robot in the right direction. Some projects are built with infrared sensors and have their own software, so electronic equipment is not good in our competition, so we use ultrasonic sensors.
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