Abstract: In 21 Century where life of a normal human being is run the technologies and machines. It’s almost impossible to think a day without technology and machines, humans are prone to more diseases and health conditions since they depend on machines and technology too much. Diseases like Parkinson’s which as of now has no cure can be controlled and suppressed if detected early and treated. If diagnosed earlier huge changes can be brought in the person. The problem with diseases are both of these are very hard to identify in the starting stages. Using Piezo-resistive materials, Sensors can be fabricated which are very small in size. These can be installed on the inner walls of shoes in desired manner and data can be acquired with respect to change in resistance. This data can be further analyzed using Data Analysis and other suitable programming language for the job to be done. Finally, a pattern can be observed which reflects how the bearer walked the whole time and hence, required action can be taken based on the applications. By making use of our project it will be easier to identify these diseases and helps for faster and better diagonisation. The common symptoms of both these diseases are disorder in walking and our project tracks the orderliness or the disorderliness in the walking of a person and then analyses it which helps in identification of these disorders. The growth of data analytics and Data Science has put ourselves very much forward and since the project is also an application of data science, huge improvements can be made in the sports sector. An athlete’s daily activities can be tracked and can be provided with feedback or a suggestive Data or graphs which help to improve the performance and fitness of an athlete. This can be considered as the applications of the Project.