ABSTRACT: The need of a wireless monitoring technologies using IOT in modern farming has become a major necessity as it reduces many major barriers and problems on the issues concerning agriculture. The best method to overcome this problem is smart agriculture by modernizing the current traditional methods of agriculture. this project aims in improving the agriculture by smart technologies using internet of things (IOT) the system of various sensors such as PH sensor, moisture sensor, DHT11-humidity temperature sensor to measure moisture content present in the soil and also to measure humidity and temperature in the soil.ESP32 provides a standalone system to host MCU and is also interfaced with WIFI and BLE functionality with UART/I2C interfaces. The NPN transistor will control the water pump for automatic irrigation. whenever a low quantity of moisture is detected in the soil the motor turns on. Once the soil becomes wet, the motor turns off and hence irrigation is done automatically. All these data which are gained through the system can be monitored remotely via the thing speak(IOT based cloud platform)online from any part of the world. This system provides a greater result in monitoring and controlling field as well reduce farmer stress and provide many advantages on the field.
KEYWORDS: Internet of Things, ESP8266(cloud thingspeak) ,motor pump ,sensors.