International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed / Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since 2013

Abstract: The modern technology has increased the standard of living for the humans. There has been an emerging demand for quick and easy payment of bills in supermarkets. Everyone in their life have craves for a quality in everything they use daily lives. This project describes how to build an automated and time saving system for the world of retail which will make shopping experience impetuous, customer friendly and secure. So, this has resulted in large crowds at shopping malls which have led to long lines at the billing counter because the cashier has to scan every product item and then enter it into the billing record. The prevailing billing system is a bit time consuming. So by thinking of inventing a remedial electronic product to catch-up with this problem. “Automated shopping trolley for billing system” is better approach for the above said problem. This is based on ATmega328 Controller fitted with a LCD and RFID reader and a wireless technology called Zigbee. The LCD and Zigbee modules make the wireless network to work easily between a certain ranges. An innovative product with social acceptance is the one that aids the comfort, convenience and efficiency in everyday life. The brief description of its operation is, when you pick a product and drop it into the trolley, the RFID reader scans the product’s unique ID and its price. And it gets displayed on the LCD screen. So after customer has finished with the shopping he/she has to visit the counter and pay the bill as displayed on the LCD screen fitted on the trolley. This will save the time that was earlier being consumed to scan each item.

Keywords: RFID technology, LCD and Zigbee modules make the wireless network, IOT Applications

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2019.7305

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