Abstract: In our ecosystem mostly Gasoline engine cars are used by the public which have high cost of refueling that cause emission of greenhouse gases. In this way to reduce the automotive emission which causes the Greenhouse gases, an alternative technology is needed. The most convenient way is to use renewable energy sources. In this scenario we provide an alternative fuel for vehicles by using renewable energy resources. Among the various resources available, we design a solar power controlled motor device for automotive application. In this paper, the Electric Car is the way to alter the energy source. Sunlight is the main source of energy to obtain light energy which is converted into electricity. Amount of energy obtained from the source may vary from time-to-time. The vehicle chosen for the experiment is Marathi Omni. The solar panels are placed on the top of the car. Energy obtained from the solar panel is given to the charge controller. Charge controller can prevent overcharging and also the over discharging of the battery. Output of the charge controller is given to the Valve Regulated Sealed Lead-Acid Battery. Then the Valve Regulated Sealed Lead-Acid Battery is given to the Motor through Driver circuit which controls speed of the Motor. Battery charging time through charge controller is four to five hours and the Electric Car travels for the distance of about 150Km with the speed of 30 to 40 Km/hr. Thus the proposed system of automotive vehicle helps to achieve zero pollution, zero noise effect and fuel consumption.
Keywords: Electric Vehicle, Lead-acid battery, Solar panel, Charge controller.