ABSTRACT: To move further in any project or experiment, we need data because that data tells us the result of your analysis. Likewise, Data Acquisition System (DAS) or sometimes referred as DAQ has been a crucial part of every monitoring system. DAS converts physical conditions into the digital form and then stores it for analysis. Mostly, the signals from sensors are converted to digital form for further analysis. Data Acquisition System helps to measure or control physical characteristics of something in the real world. DAS provides faster response over failed organizations processes that may occur anytime in the system. The DAS procedures are optimized to the maximum to obtain maximum efficiency and better efficiency. Through this paper we will be discussing the Data Acquisition System which is often termed as DAS, its concept,its components, its importance and its purpose.
Keywords : DAS, Sensors, Analysis, Efficiency
| DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9733