Abstract: The recent development in simulation speed and capacity of magnetic field, and the power electronics, the field of wireless power transfer has been developed significantly. In the future transport area, electric vehicles are considered as replacement of oil-powered internal combustion engine driven vehicles, especially for the CO2 reduction and alternative energy perspective. However, electric vehicle requires several key issues resolved in view of the heavy weight, bulky volume, and limited driving distance. In this paper, the innovative on-road dynamic wireless charging technology for electric vehicle, called OLEV, is introduced. The electric vehicle charging technology can be classified as conductive or wireless, stationary or dynamic, and slow or fast. The fast charging in the range of 100 kW of power capacity and wireless dynamic charging concept are described. Also the design concept, system architecture and development process of optimizing the magnetic flux field for the higher power transfer efficiency are described in this paper. The dynamic charging technology is also compared with the stationary conductive charging for electric vehicles, in view of its development concept and status, and practical feasibility of the innovative technology. Energy is transferred from two tracks of rail in the road via a movable arm attached to the bottom of a vehicle. The design is not dissimilar to that of a Scalextric track, although should the vehicle overtake, the arm is automatically disconnected.
Keywords: Wireless charging, Wireless power transfer, EV charging infrastructure, demonstration; instrumentation, electric road, Electric Road System, Inductive Power Transfer