International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed / Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since 2013

Abstract: The children demise inside the borewell is expanded in nowadays, with uncovered borewell they fallen without knowing and lost their lives due to suffocation inside, likewise without oxygen, food and so forth. The harmful gases like carbon monoxide, Methane, LPG, hydrogen sulphide inside the bore-well it will influence the children breathing and furthermore this may prompt unconsciousness, and without oxygen it might influence the brain functioning of child and child may die and furthermore explicit distance of the child at what distance child stuck isn’t know.

To overcome these, we need to detect the various gases with different multiple gas sensors additionally to get the temperature and humidity condition. Alongside this ultrasonic sensor is utilized to get the distance of child at what distance child got stuck. We have utilized two Arduino Uno microcontrollers which is at the transmitter side and other at Receiver side also utilized two LORA module  as the communication devices. With the help of IoT involved in the proposed system. Every one of these information are sent to the cloud and we can monitor the data in the thing speak dashboard through PC or from our smart phone through Android App Usage and also, through LCD at Receiver end.

We can utilize this proposed framework inside the borewell for up to 100-meter depth. Thus, we came up with this Design and Development of IoT enabled Gas sensing system for remote monitoring of Air quality in borewell Rescue operations. Based on proposed system results of real time data the Rescue specialists can make a further move by providing of oxygen, food, and so forth Save their lives.

Keywords: ArduinoUno, Arduino nano, Esp8266(wifi module), Sensors(MQ4,MQ7,MQ135,MQ6),  PIR sensor

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2023.11622

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