Abstract: The term “Smokeless Tobacco” refers to the consumption of unburned tobacco, in the form of chewing, spitting, dipping, and snuff. Consumers chew the tobaccoin the mouth and spit out the juice that builds up. Nicotine and other constituentsare absorbed in the lining of oral cavity. People of many regions, including India,Pakistan, other Asian countries, and North America, have a long history of smokeless tobacco use. Approximately 28 chemical constituents present in smokeless tobacco are carcinogenic in nature, among which nitrosamine is the most prominent. According to the National Report of Global Adult Tobacco Survey conducted in India and Bangladesh, the current prevalence of smokeless tobacco use is 25.9 and 27.2%, respectively. There are 30 different types of smokeless products available in these countries, including zarda, which contains dried and boiled tobacco leaves, limes, areca nut, additives, spices, and tannins. Oral cancer accounts for 30 to 40% of cancer cases reported in India, and the most obvious cause is the extensive use of tobacco products, consumed via smoking and/or smokeless chewing products