ABSTRACT: Recently, the physically challenged person and elderly person who uses wheelchair are increasing. However, only two type wheelchairs exist, one is hand operating and other is operated by the joystick, have come into wide usage. The former type needs muscular strength for the operation and the latter type needs the skill. Therefore, there is a problem that it is difficult for the differently abled and elderly person to use these interfaces. Hence mobile app based voice recognition has been used. While using this technology wheel chair can move according to the signal given through the voice or through the button and also automate the home appliances simultaneously. So the elderly and differently abled person can move and operate home appliances independently without the help of others. Different abled and elderly person may also not able to speak so that only voice recognition cannot be used so that we are using both buttons and voice recognition in mobile app so that it will be more efficient for persons who cannot able to speak. And moreover nowadays the differently abled and elderly persons are exposed to attack by physical aggression and robberies. And buzzer is also attached for their convenience.
Keywords: Microcontroller – Bluetooth – Zigbee – Motor Driver – Object Sensor – Relay – DC motor – Android application.