International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed / Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since 2013

Abstract: Due to increasing population and COVID-19 pandemic, the biomedical wastes in the hospital are raised. The major goal of this initiative is to treat biomedical related waste properly by disposing, once the waste gets filled in the bins and to classify the biomedical waste for recycling purposes. In hospital there exists the manual detection and clearing of waste is being done once the biomedical waste bins got filled. This system of process has a high risk in contamination once the waste is not disposed at right time or when the waste is stagnant over time. Hence we proposed our project “Biomedical Waste Monitoring System And Recycling Method For Hospital Using IOT” in order to monitor the waste bins continually and alerts the concern scavenge team through automatic triggered SMS and Call facility for that 4 IR sensor, gas sensor, buzzer and GPS module are incorporated with dustbin and interfaced with microcontroller. Our system not only alerts the scavenger team when the bin gets filled, but also it will alerts the scavenger team when the bin high prone to contamination and the stinking smell exists. Using color codes of dustbin to segregate the 10 different categories of medical waste under 4 colors red, black, blue and yellow. The medical waste in blue color bin can be used for recycling it does not contain any harmful wastes and it is send to recycling unit, the waste is shredded into small particles and after sterilizing we can able to make new things.

Keywords: IOT, Medical waste, IR sensor, Microcontroller

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2022.101003

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