Abstract: Even if an accident occurs due to human error or an unexpected circumstance occurs in the fast-paced automation environment, more technologies are created. So, in order to minimize the number of casualties in the event of a train crash, we developed an improved fire rescue system. Smart sensors and myRIO technology were used to build and implement this device. It will automatically detect a fire and transmit the information to the loco pilot through wireless signal transmission. As a first move, the fire will be extinguished, and information about the accident will be transmitted via Short Message Service (SMS) to crossing and approaching stations, as well as to passengers via an alarm system. This SMS reliably conveys the status of a fire accident by transmitting physical parameters such as compartment number and fire strength. This also shows the same area code for that GSM Mobile network. The complete location where the train is stopped, as well as train information, could be obtained from the control room. As a whole, this mechanism means that the number of people killed in incidents is reduced.
Keywords: Flame Sensor, Fire alarm system, Servo motor, automatic sprinklers, GSM, Zigbee, myRIO, LabVIEW.