Abstract: These days in this fastly moving world, appliances that are automatic are being preferred. This is the biggest advantage of our project. Automated dispensing machines decentralized medication distribution systems that provide computer-controlled storage, dispensing, and tracking of medicines are recommended together as a potential mechanism to enhance efficiency and patient safety, and they are now widely utilized in many hospitals. There is no doubt that these medicine vending machines can improve the efficiency of medication distribution, but their capacity to decrease medication errors is controversial and it depends on many factors, including how users can design and implement these systems. From this concept, we conclude that the automatic medicine vending machine is technically feasible to the peoples. It gives the availability of medicines all the time, also in rural areas. It is very helpful; it gives ease of access also. It is sales personless service that is based on a smart card.
Keywords: Automated dispensing, vending machine, Arduino, RFID Module, Dc Motor, Relay Module, Keypad.