International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed & Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since  2013

Abstract: Now days the road accidents are increased to uncertain level in rural and urban areas. With the help of this system we can avoid loss of human life. Traffic congestion and tidal flow are major facts that cause delay to ambulance. The main theme behind this scheme is to provide a smooth flow for the emergency vehicles like ambulance to reach the hospitals in time and thus minimizing the delay caused by traffic congestion. We use RF transmitter it is placed in traffic signal and photovoltaic road stud side. Then here we have use Radio Frequency Communication between ambulance and RF transmitter. The ambulance is controlled by the control unit that furnishes adequate route to ambulance and conjointly controls the spotlight in step with the ambulance location and therefore reaching the hospital safely. The Buzzer Alarm is fixed in Traffic light and Photovoltaic road stud side it indicates while ambulance enters the certain region.

Keywords: Buzzer, Road stud, Traffic light, RF Transmitter and RF Receiver.

PDF | DOI: 10.17148/IJIREEICE.2021.9414

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