Abstract: Air biology plays fundamentals role in transmission of infection disease. Exposure to airborne microbiological particles is a common denominator of all human life. With the improvement of research methods for studying airborne microbiological particles has come evidence indicating that microorganisms (e.g., viruses, bacteria, and fungal spores) from an may disperse over very great distance by air currents and ultimately be inhaled, ingested, or come into contact with individuals who have had no contact with the infectious source, But there is a lot of risk involved for the spaces which are operating with air conditioning system and creates a unique challenge because of the in air conditioning system having larger pores than the size of microbiological particles and this particles very easily pass through the air filter of the air conditioning system. After getting passed through this microspores this microbiological particles gets contaminated in the spaces or rooms which are operating with air conditioning system so an automatic sanitization system and air purification with ac assist should be development which enable to eliminate the infectious diseases and reduced the level of risk involved in AC operating system spaces. The automatic system should be able to detect time spray sanitizer and purify the air according to AC temperature. The automatic system should be feasible to operate with low maintenance, low cost, the system should provide a detailed report to operator about the quality of air, energy consumption, level of liquid sanitizer available in trunk to maintain constant operation, the amount of remove microbiological particle. Basically real time monitoring system.
Keywords: Peltier module, arduino uno, ac, microbiological particles, sanitization system.