ABSTRACT: Fertilizers used to kill insects or otherwise control their reproduction. These herbicides, pesticides, and fertilizers are applied to agricultural crops with the help of a special device known as a "Sprayer," sprayer provides optimum performance with minimum efforts. By the invention of sprayers, this enables farmers to obtain the maximum agricultural output. A pesticide sprayer has to be portable and with an increased tank capacity as well as should result in cost reduction, labor and spraying time. In order to reduce these problems, there are a number of sprayers introduced in the market, but these devices do not meet the above problems or demands of the farmers.The conventional sprayer having the difficulties such as it needs lot of effort to push the liver up and down in order to create the pressure to spray. Another difficulty of petrol sprayer is to need to purchase the fuel, which increases the running cost of the sprayer In order to overcome these difficulties, I have proposed equipment that is wheel driven sprayer, it is a portable device and no need of any fuel to operate, which is easy to move and sprays the pesticide by moving the wheel. This wheel operated pesticide spray equipment consumes less time and avoids the pesticide from coming from front of the nozzles which will in contact of the person who sprays pesticides. The mechanism involved in this sprayer is reciprocating pump, which is driven by the wheel. Agriculture sprayer vehicle operates the pump automatically as it moves, pump is mounted on vehicle so no stress to operator, very low cost. The pump is mounted on the vehicle so the farmer / labour does not have to carry it, so less fatigue. The pumping mechanism is connected to the rear wheel shaft through a gear train. Thus, motion of the wheel is converted into automatic pumping of the pumping system.
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