International Journal of Innovative Research in                 Electrical, Electronics, Instrumentation and Control Engineering

A monthly Peer-reviewed / Refereed journal

ISSN Online 2321-2004
ISSN Print 2321-5526

Since 2013

Benefits to authors

Reliable impact to author’s paper

We are assigning a Digital Object Identifier (DOI) from crossref (Tejass Publisheers) research agency (RA) to each published scientific research articles.  The unique DOI provides a persistent link to the internet ocean.   By the use of doi, authors can easily cite, link and access their research papers worldwide.  By default authors gain an international readership by means of numerous back links, optimized visibility and discoverability for their published papers with international publication standards.  IJIREEICE doi prefix is 10.17148/IJIREEICE.  Simultaneously each author or contributor gets an ORCID (Open Researcher and Contributor ID).   The IJIREEICE is listed in Online Computer Library Center (OCLC) Worldcat: OCLC number is 868911254.  The above unique identity makes a great reputation for our renowned journal.

Author rights and Copyright by International license      

Our scientific journal is internationally licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International –  CC BY 4.0.  An author permits people the right to share, use their creative and innovative work across the world in relevant discipline of computer and communication areas.  This kind of our publication pattern provides an author flexibility and defend the people who use redistribute an author’s work against copyright.  As per our journal policy the author retains some or all the copyrights associated with the work.  Authors can promote their work to a wider audience.

Global standard in publication 

Our journals having an International Standard Serial Number (ISSN) for electronic serials, including print publication is registered in an international database. In added of doi of an article is made greater visibility for author’s work.  Our gold open access publication standards give immediate and wide visibility to author’s potential work.  In post publication, our key attributes of DOI, ORCID, OCLC Worldcat will give global impact to you and your papers.  Published articles are available in leading global bibliographic repositories for long-term from our abstracting and automated indexing services. The article metrics of our pattern give a good and reliable impact to an author’s work.

Quality of publication

Ease of submitting papers to a standard peer-review process without any charges.  The acceptance rates are typically low in our journal. Our proficient editorial board is strictly reviewing, ask the authors to change or revise content up-to the standard before acceptance.  Our scientific journal impact factor influences good authorship, an international readership and increased visibility.  Our pipelined ethics and policies will achieve the quality in our publication

IJIREEICE are very conscious to prevent plagiarism and our redressed process conduct a proper investigation as per our plagiarism policy.   Maintaining global standards in pre & post publication together with dependent variables (such as citations, h-index, profile visits, downloads). View

Publishing timeline and Rapid Publication

This phenomenon achieved by an electronic paper submission system, screening or filtering suitable papers to review, our well-defined peer-review model, eminent reviewer’s resource and streamlined editorial workflow, reviewers’ valuable comments or suggestions to authors, revisions, technical team and gold open access.

Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) services

IJIREEICE is made easier to promote authors published a paper through our effective abstracting and indexing services.  Abstracts are lead author’s original research work by bibliographic details and improving indexing efficiency.  Our automated indexing methods are the highest scientific quality, minimize the time, effort and maximize the searching success rates. IJIREEICE indexed in well-known global bibliographic repositories.  More..

Gold Open access (OA)

We are providing a life-time free universal access to your research article it will make sure extensive global reach and readership with a wide audience.  This kind of accessing method is more useful to the research scholars, students and the public during their academic requirements or personal knowledge enhancements’ without any charges via our archiving modules.  IJIREEICE open access explores higher downloads, views, citations, references’ over a long period.  Based on this model, readers allowed copying, using, distributing and exploring their derivative works in the digital medium.

Waiver in publication

According to our waiver policy, authors who wish to apply for waivers must prove their inability to afford the manuscript handling fee depends on low-income and lower middle-income countries.  This is applicable only for non-Indian authors.

Digital Presentation and Prints

IJIREEICE publishing articles in the following file formats

PDF, HTML on our website with open access pattern. This kind of digital presentation makes sure articles portability, mobility, preservation, data encryption, and compressed format to global readers or audience.

Our rapid and high quality printing process gives the print Journal, certificates to authors, institutions’ and or industrial subscriptions.


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